Lung cancer or sometimes known as bronchogenic carcinomas is the top cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. It is when the lungs have abnormal cell growth that can build up and form tumours which makes it difficult to breathe as well as survive- if it is not treated early enough. The cells of the lungs have a certain shape and speed they stick to but when they don’t follow the idea, they begin to grow and reproduce wildly. This leads to cells clogging up areas in the lungs forming lumps called tumours which stop the lungs working properly. There are two main types of lung cancer which are distinguished by their appearance: small-cell lung cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer. Small cell cancer is mostly caused by cigarette smoking and spreads quickly to other parts of the lung(s) early in the diagnosis. It is the most aggressive. Non-small-cell lung cancer is divided into three groups; is the most common lung cancer and is slower in spreading than small-cell lung cancer.